Articles in international journals
- Krneta, R., Bjekić, M., Peulić, A., and Dragićević S., „Dynamic analysis of temperature and heat gains in classrooms with different type of windows“, Thermal Science, International Scientific Journal, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 219-227, 2006., ISSN 0354-9836, [M24]
- Milovanovic, A, Koprivica, B., Bjekic, M., „Application of the Charge Simulation Method to the Calculation of the Characteristic Parameters of Printed Transmission Lines“, Internationa Review of Electrical Engineering (I.R.E.E),Vol.5 No. 6, pp. 2722-2726, 2010., ISSN 1827-6679, [M22]
- Milovanovic, A., Bjekic, M., „Approximate Calculation of Capacitance of Lines With Multilayer Medium“, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 62 No 5, pp. 249-257, 2011., ISSN 1335-3632, [M23]
- Bjekic, M., Antic, S., Milovanovic, A, „Permanent Magnet DC Motor Friction Measurement and Analysis of Friction’s Impact“, Internationa Review of Electrical Engineering (I.R.E.E), Vol. 6 No. 5, pp. 2261-2269, 2011., ISSN 1827-6679, [M22]
- Bjekić, D., Bjekić, M., Božić, M., Rosić, M. & Krneta, R., “Energy Efficient Behaviour and Electricity Consumption in Industrial Companies”, Metalurgia International, XVII(7), pp. 130-139, 2012., ISSN 1582-2214, [M23]
- Dragićević, S., Peulić, A., Bjekić, M., Krneta, R., Temperature monitoring of school building. Validation of simulation model by comparison with wireless flexible measurement data, Comptes rendus de l’Acade'mie bulgare des Sciences, Vol 65, No8, pp.1145-1150, 2012., ISSN 1310-1331, [M23]
- Koprivica, B., Bozić, M., Rosić, M., Bjekić,M., “Application of Standard and Modified Eh-Star Test Method for Induction Motor Stray Load Losses and Efficiency Measurement”, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 277-391, 2012., ISSN 1451-4869, [M24]
- Bjekić, M., Stojanovic, D., Rosić, M. & Božić, M., “Analysis of Mitigation Techniques for Bearing Currents in PWM Inverter Drives”, Metalurgia International, XVIII(2), pp. 91-97, 2013., ISSN 1582-2214, [/]
- Dragićević, S., Peulić, A., Bjekić, M., Krneta, R. (2013), "Measurement and Simulation of Energy Use in a School Building", Acta Polytechica Hungarica, Vol 10, No2, pp.109-120, 2013., ISSN 1785-8860, [M23]
- Stojković, S., Bjekić, M., "Educational simulation model for studying the impact of distributed generation on distribution networks using ATP-EMTP software", International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 292 - 305, 2014, ISSN 0020-7209, [M23]
- Bjekić, M., Bjekić, D., Zlatić, L., "Communication Competence of Practicing Engineers and Engineering Students: Education and Evaluation", International Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 31, No. 1(B), pp. 368–376, 2015., ISSN 0949-149X, [M23]
- Bjekic, M., Milovanovic, A., Koprivica, B., "Prediction of Pull-in and Pull-out Torque Characteristics of the Permanent Magnet Step Motor", Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. - Electrotechn. et Energ., Tome 60, Issue I, pp. 29-38, 2015., ISSN 0035-4066,, [M23]
- M. Bjekić, M. Šućurović, M. Božić, M. Rosić, and S. Antić, "Using computer for measurement and visualizazion of rotating magnetic field in AC machines", Computer Application in Engineering Education, Volume 25, Issue 4, Jyly 2017, pp. 608-624, ISSN 1061-3773, DOI:10.1002/cae.21825, [M23]
Articles in international conferences
- Bjekić, M., „The modeling of the Permanent-Magnet Step Motor”, 31st Universities Power Engineering Conference, Iraklio, Technological Educational Institute Iraklio, Crete, Greece, September 18-20, 1996. [M33]
- Бјекић, Д., Бјекић, М. и Драгићевић, С., „Селекција и коришћење софтвера у настави“, Научни скуп са међународним учешћем Комуникација и медији у савременој настави, Јагодина: Учитељски факултет, Октобар 17-18, 2003, (а) Књига резимеа: 40. (б) Објављено у целини у: Зборник радова 8/2004 Учитељског факултета у Јагодини, 121-134, 2004. [M33/М53]
- Bjekić, M., „Numerical methods of solving magnetic circuit of permanent magnet step motor”, International PhD- seminar Computation of Electromagnetic Field, Budva, pp 11-16, September 23-28, 2004, ISBN 86-80135-93-3. [M33]
- Bjekic, M., Plazinic, M. „The use of a PC optical mouse as an absolute rotary encoder”, The 6th International Power Systems Conference PSC2005, Timisoara, Romania., pp 65-70, Tom 50 (64), November 2005, ISSN 1582-7194 [M33]
- Plazinic, M., Bjekić, M., (2005). „Verification of measurement results of modified faraday balance by using 3D finite element method”, 7th International conference on applied electromagnetics PES 2005, Proceedings of extended abstracts, Nis, May 23-25, 2005, pp 99-100, ISBN 86-85195-06-3. [M33]
- Bjekić. M., „Numerical computation dynamic characteristics of permanent-magnet step motor”, International PhD- seminar Numerical Field Computation and Optimization in Electrical Engineering, Ohrid, September 20-25, 2005, pp 11-16, ISBN 9989-630-47-x. [M33]
2. награда на интернационалном PhD семинару докторских студија, Охрид, 2005:
- Bjekić, M., „Determing static torque characteristics of permanent magnet step motor”, International PhD- seminar Computational Electromagnetics and Technical Applications, Banja Luka, pp 5-10. 28.8 -1.9, 2006, ISBN 99938-793-5-5. [M33]
- Bjekić, M., „Numerical Simulation, Measuring and Foreseeing Dynamic Characteristics of the Energetic Permanent Magnet Step Motor”, 51st Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Technische Universitat Ilmenau, CD Proceedings, September 11-15, 2006, ISBN 3-938843-15-2. [M33]
- Jugović,. Z., Bjekić, M., Slavković, R., Božić, M., Dučić, N. „Development of laboratory prototype of CNC machine with 2D control“, The 7th International Symposium, KOD 2012, Baltonfured, Hungary, pp 395-400, 24-26 May 2012, ISBN 978-86-7892-399-9 [M33]
- Rosic, M., Bozic, M., Bjekic, M., Antic, S., “Energy efficiency of electric pump drive”, International scientific conference UNITECH ’12, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, pp I51-I58, 16-17. Nov. 2012 [M33]
- Antic, S., Bjekic,M., Bozic, M., Rosic, M., “Motor Rewinding and Effect on Efficiency”, International scientific conference UNITECH ’12, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, pp I43-I50, 16-17. Nov. 2012 [M33]
- Božić, M., Rosić, M., Koprivica, B., Bjekić, M., Antić, S., “Efficiency classes of three-phase, cage-induction motors (IE-code) software”, INDEL2012, IX Symposium Industrial Electronics, INDEL 2012, pp 87-91,November 1-3, Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina, 2012 [M33]
- Bjekic, M., Bozic, M., Rosic, M. et al., "Design , Construction , Calibration and Use of A New Type of Electromagnetic Brake", XLVIII International Scientific Conference оn Information, Communication аnd Energy Systems аnd Technologies, ICEST 2013, 26-29 June 2013 Ohrid, Macedonia,Vol. 2 pp. 727-730 [M33]
- Božić, M., Rosić, M., Bjekić, М. , "Remote control of electromagnetic load emulator for electric motors", 2014 11th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV), Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP) in Porto, Portugal from 26-28 February 2014, 978-1-4799-2025-9/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE [M33]
- Rosic, M., Bozic, M., Bjekic, M., "Station for Emulation of Load and Electrical Motor Testing", XLVIX International Scientific Conference оn Information, Communication аnd Energy Systems аnd Technologies, ICEST 2014, 25-27 June 2014 Niš, Serbia,Vol. 2 pp. 395-398 [M33]
- Bozic, M., Rosic, M., , Bjekic, M., Đorđević, G., “Platform for teaching feed forward and jerk control”, International scientific conference UNITECH ’14, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, pp IV286-IV291, 21-22. Nov. 2014 [M33]
- Rosic, M., Bozic, M., Bjekic, M., "Electrical Motor Station with Electromagnetic Load Emulator: An Overwiew of Design, Contruction and Calibration with Examples of Use", 3rd International Symposium on Environment - Friendly Energies and Applications EFEA2014, 19-21 nov. 2014 [M31]
- Krneta, R., Bjekic, M., “Training Secondary Vocational School Teachers for the Use of Remote Experiments, NeReLa Project Case Study”, The 3rd Experiment@International onference'15, pp 153-154, 2-4 June 2015 University of the Azores, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 2015 [M33]
- Bjekic, M.,Bozic, M. Rosic, M., Sucurovic, M., “Remote Experiments: Step Motor Control and Magnetic Field Visualization of Induction Machine”, The 3rd Experiment@International onference'15, pp 249-254, 2-4 June 2015, University of the Azores, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal, 2015 [M33
- Rosic, M., Bebic, M., Djordjevic, N., Jeftenic, B., Bjekic, M., “Torque Ripple Reduction in DTC with Discretized Voltage Intensities” 18th International Symposium POWER ELECTRONICS Ee2015, Paper No. DS1-T2-1, pp. 1-6, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia, 28th - 30th October, 2015
- Bjekic, M., Bjekic, D.,“Electrical engineers’ professional development in the field of energy efficiency of electrical drives”, International scientific conference UNITECH ’15, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, pp I-159-I-162, ISSN 1313-230X, 20-21. Nov. 2015 [M33]
- Sucurovic, M., Mitrovic, N., Bjekic, M., Bozic, M., Rosic, M., “Calibration of the electromagnetic brake”, International scientific conference UNITECH ’15, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, pp I-159-I-162, ISSN 1313-230X, 20-21. Nov. 2015 [M33]
- Rosic, M., Bebić, M, Djordjevic, N., Bjekić, M., Šućurović, M, "Simulation model of direct torque control with discetized voltage vector intensities, Sixth International Conference "Technics and Informatics in Education - TIO 2016", 28-29. May 2016, Čačak, Faculty of Technical Sciences., Čačak, Serbia, pp. 429–438, [M33]
- Bjekić, M., Božić, M., Rosic, M., Antić, S., "Remote experiment: Serial and parallel RLC circuit", Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering - IcETRAN2016, Zlatibor, Serbia, pp.AUI1.2.1-6, 13–16 June, 2016 [M33]
- Antić, S., Bjekić, M., Božić, M., "Torsional Resonance Compensation in an Electro-Mechanical System ", Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering - IcETRAN2016, Zlatibor, Serbia, pp.AUI2.6.1-.6.6, 13–16 June, 2016 [M33]
- Rosic, M., Bjekic, M., Bebic, M., Jeftenic, B., "Electromotive force compensation in direct torque control with discretized voltage intensities", 4th International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications - EFEA 2016, pp. 1-6, DOI:10.1109/EFEA.2016.7748810, Belgrade, Serbia, 14-16 September, 2016 [M33]
- Rosić, M., Antić, S., Bjekić, M., Vujičić, V., "Educational laboratory setup of DC motor cascade control based on dSPACE1104 platform", 5th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources - ICREPS2017, pp. 213-222, ISBN:978-86-81505-84-7, DOI:10.24094/mkoiee., Belgrade, Serbia, 12-13 October, 2017 [M33]
- Rosić, M., Bjekić, M., Šućurović, M, "Aplication of induction machines U/f control trhrough the educational laboratory setup", Proceedings of 7th International Conference Technics and Informatics in Education - TIE2018, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Čačak, Serbia, Proceedings TIE 2018, pp. 351-357, UDC: 621.313/.341:004.42MATLAB, ISBN 978-86-7776-226-1, 25−27th May, 2018 [M33]
- Božić, M., Šućurović, M., Rosić, M., Vujičić, V., Bjekić, M., "Laboratory setup for measurements basic pump system sharacteristic", Proceedings of International scientific conference - UNITECH 2018, Vol. III, pp. 154-158, ISSN: 1313-230X, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 16-17. Nov. 2018 [M33]
National monograph
- Bjekić, M., Stojanović, D., Milovanović, A., Koprivica, B., Rosić, M., Božić, M., Plazinić, M. Antić, S., Bjekić, D., Krneta, R., Jeftenić, B., Štatkić, S., Bebić, M., Ristić. L., “Energetska efikasnost elektromotornih pogona“, Tehnički fakultet Čačak, 2012, ISBN 978-86-7776-137-0 [M42]